Bodybuilding Supplements raw material Beta-Alanine

Prodcut detail

DescriptionWhite powder
Loss on drying≤0.50%
Residue on ignition(sulfated)≤0.20%
Total Heavy metals≤10ppm
CONCLUSION: This product conforms to requirement of AJI92 standard.
PACKING DETAILS: 25kg/drum, with 2 plastic bags inside.
STORAGE: Store in cool and dry area and keep away from direct sunlight.
SHELF LIFE: 2 years, if keep in formal storage condition.
MOQ: We accept any quantity for order, from grams to tons.

What is Beta-alanine?

Beta-alanine is one of the non-essential amino acids that are not readily consumed in conventional mixed diets of chicken, beef, whey or fish. Because of this fact, it can make your dosage more difficult.
When the body is absorbed, β-alanine will be converted to carnosine, which will help improve your physical strength, strength and muscle development.

For those who are heavily trained, this will make them harder in the gym, which leads directly to increased muscle harvest.

How does the Beta-alanine in gym work?

It is supplemented with β-alanine, which can effectively increase the level of the body's carnosine, which can be observed up to twelve weeks after continuous use.
Since you can not take carnosine alone, it is the best way to choose to add β-alanine.

More specifically, what is β-alanine in the body, we need to know more about its relationship with carnosine. It is through the direct role of β-alanine, carnosine really play its influence, so this is the key to understanding this supplement.

Troponin can be found in two different muscle types of the body, but with a higher concentration in the second fiber, which will be more for maximum strength and intensity exercise. When high-intensity exercise occurs, our body begins to accumulate a lot of hydrogen ions, so that the body produces a more acid state. This increase in hydrogen ions can also lead to the accumulation of lactate in the body, which in the movement will cause fatigue, and eventually lead to movement completely stopped.

If you accumulate a lot of lactic acid in most exercise, this will be a limiting factor in your overall performance and will definitely affect the speed of your results over time.
When in vivo, carnosine acts as an intracellular buffer to help stabilize muscle pH and absorb any other hydrogen ions released during exercise. Then, there are more carnosine in the system, and the less chance you will suffer from high lactic acid levels.

The function and application of Beta-alanine

  • medicine

Beta-alanine is an important raw material for the synthesis of VB6, a nutrient for pure amino acid nutrient infusion components, and L-alanine as one of the main components of amino acid injection - 800 "involved in liver, brain and liver coma Fast, but also a diuretic.

  • Food additives

(1) can improve the nutritional value of food in a variety of food and beverage, such as: bread, water freezing point, tea, dairy products, carbonated drinks, water ice and so on. Adding 0.1 to 1% alanine significantly improves protein utilization in food and beverages, and alanine can have direct cell absorption properties, so it can quickly recover from fatigue and refreshing after drinking.

(2) to improve the taste of artificial sweet taste, can reduce the sweetness of the dose efficiency. In the compound having a sweetener, 1 to 10% of alanine can improve the sweetness and sweetness as a natural sweetener and can improve the taste after taste. Alanine or table becomes one of the raw materials of high sweetness, strong sweet (Alitame, L-pergus acyl-D-c-amide, sucrose sweetness 600 times).

Beta-alanine profile

Β-alanine (or β-alanine) is a naturally occurring β-amino acid which is an amino acid at which the amino group and the carboxylate group are located at the β-position. IUPAC name is β-alanine is 3-aminopropionic acid. Beta-alanine is a nonessential amino acid that is now used to supplement motor performance and recovery. Showing help to reduce and delay muscle fatigue, beta-alanine is usually in other components of the pre-compost heap.

Beta-alanine benefit

Muscle Carnosine involves increased muscle buffering capacity and reduced hydrogen ion, which leads to improved performance associated with beta-alanine supplementation. When these hydrogen ions accumulate, the muscle's pH drops, and this disturbs many of the metabolic processes required for muscle movement.

There is also some evidence that beta-alanine may act as a cell health supplement, a beneficial, sacrificial peptide or a calcium sensitivity enhancer in contraction fibers.

Beta-alanine dosage

Beta alanine shows the longer the effect of improving its effect. For this reason, it is usually "loaded" rather than just before exercise.

Most studies involve participants taking 2 grams of beta-alanine (800-2000 mg dose) a day to reduce muscle fatigue and increase the body's response to vigorous exercise.

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