Pain Killer Pharmaceutical Chemical powder Levobupivacaine HCL

Levobupivacaine HCL Specifications

Test Items
SpecificationTest Results
DescriptionWhite or almost white crystalline powderWhite crystalline powder
Melting Point191.0~193.0ºC192ºC
Loss of drying≤1.0%0.5%
Heavy Metal≤20ppm15ppm
TLCOnly one spotOnly one spot
ConclusionIt complies with the USP 32.

Levobupivacaine HCL description

Levobupivacaine (rINN) is a local anesthetic that is an aminoamide group. It is the S-enantiomer of bupivacaine. It is an amide derivative of azobicaine hydrochloride with an anesthetic properties.

Left bupivacaine reversibly binds to voltage-gated sodium channels to regulate ion flux and prevent neuronal impulses from initiating and delivering (stabilizing neuronal membranes), leading to analgesia and anesthesia. Compared with racemic bupivacaine, levobupivacaine is associated with less vasodilatation and has a longer duration of action.

Zambucaine hydrochloride is a sodium channel blocker for long-acting local anesthetics for epidural anesthesia. Bupivacaine is an isomer of bupivacaine, whose efficacy is similar to that of bupivacaine, reducing the risk of cardiotoxicity.

Scope of application

Levobupivacaine is a local anesthetic that belongs to the amino amide group. It is the S-enantiomer of bupivacaine. Salbutamol hydrochloride is usually marketed by Abbott under the trade name Chirocaine. Bupivacaine is an amide type local anesthetic. Although it blocks nerve conduction, its membrane stabilization also affects the myocardium. This can lead to fatal cardiotoxicity. Because bupivacaine is widely used in surgery and obstetrics, try to develop safer long-acting local anesthetics.

Bupivacaine molecules are racemic compounds. Zambucaine is the S-enantiomer of bupivacaine and is thought to have a lower cardiac toxicity potential than the R-enantiomer. The pharmacokinetic parameters of bupivacaine are similar to bupivacaine.

Left bupivacaine has been studied in surgical anesthesia and pain management. Can be used for local infiltration, epidural, intrathecal and peripheral nerve block. For epidural analgesia, can be given clonidine. The double-blind comparison of bupivacaine and bupivacaine showed similar anesthetic effects.

Levobupivacaine HCL storage

  • Keep the medicine away from direct sunlight, hot and humid.
  • Do not let drugs in children's sight and contact.

Levobupivacaine HCL Usage

Levobupivacaine (rINN) is a local anesthetic that is an aminoamide group. It is an S-enantiomer
Of bupivacaine.

Salts of bupivacaine, amide derivatives of anesthetic properties. The left bupivacaine reversibly binds to the voltage - gated sodium channel to regulate the ion flux and prevent initiation and
Spread nerve impulses (stabilize the neuronal membrane), leading to analgesia and anesthesia.
Compared with racemic bupivacaine, levobupivacaine is associated with less vasodilatation and has a longer duration of action.

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