Weight Loss Steroids Liothyronine Sodium T3 Cytomel For Hypothyroidism Treatment

T3 Description

Liothyronine sodium, also known as T3, is a thyroid hormone, weight loss steroids , but not an anabolic steroid . It affects almost every physiological process in the body, including growth and development, metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. It is used medically to treat cases of thyroid insufficiency, obesity, certain metabolic disorders and fatigue . Bodybuilders are particularly attracted to this drug for its ability to burn off body excess fat. Most often utilized during contest preparation, one can greatly decrease the amount of stored fat without being forced to severely restrict calories.

T3 in the body is responsible for regulating the uptake of various nutrients into cells and into the mitochondria of those cells in order to effectively become utilized for the production and consumption of energy.

The bodybuilding and athletic world is attracted to the use of T3 as a physique and/or performance enhancing drug because of its capability to distinctly boost the body's metabolism in the effort to metabolize body fat at a greater rate.

T3 is traditionally utilize during cutting, dieting, and/or pre-contest phases of training due to the universal goal of these phases to break down body fat, though in recent years Cytomel has gained some popularity as a useful agent during bulking and mass gaining phases of training (normally in conjunction with anabolic steroids) in order to better efficiently process nutrients and/or to keep body fat levels down during periods of higher caloric intake.

Cytomel (T3) is commonly used with anabolic steroids due to its significant impact on the body's metabolism as a whole. It is very important to understand that T3 is indiscriminate in its metabolism boosting properties - it will increase the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein all equally.
Therefore, beyond a particular dose of T3, there is an increased risk of muscle loss through increased turnover of protein. Through the use of anabolic steroids and a properly adjusted diet, this muscle loss as a result of T3 can be prevented as a result of the nitrogen-retaining and protein sparing properties of theanabolic steroids.

Cytomel (T3) is also commonly combined with other fat loss agents in order to increase its overall effect, as it does work synergistically with other fat loss agents.

T3 Applications

Cytomel (T3) does speed fat loss. As a guideline, for most 12.5 mcg/day is a conservative "supplement" sort of dosing that seems to have no detectable adverse effect on thyroid function at all. 25 mcg/day is a "supplement" sort of dosing that does have some inhibitory effect. 50 mcg/day is a reasonably conservative bb'ing sort of dose that, of course, is more inhibitory. 75 mcg/day is getting into more of a problem area; 100 mcg/day in many cases leads to loss of muscle size and strength.

These doses are in reference to legit T3 provided in tablets such as Cytomel. Liquid formulations are usually unstable and as a result, the above numbers in many cases won't match up to experiences with liquid products, or for that matter, experience with a liquid product at one time may not match up with experience at a different time, due to the stability problem.

Individuals do vary in this but 100 mcg/day is very often quite weakening and muscle-catabolic. So far as wanting more rapid fat loss than what is achieved with 50 mcg/day, personally I'd look elsewhere than adding more T3.

T3 Usage

Liothyronine Sodium is a synthetic variant of the human body's own thyroid hormone. Indicated as a sympathicolytic and mydriatic. It may have activity as an aphrodisiac. It is suitable for various causes of hypothyroidism.

T3 is a very effective compound for aiding fat loss, weight loss steroids . but has serious side effects when overdosed. With proper care, it's an easily-cycled compound. Because T3 has limited stability, it's best sourced from quality pharmaceutical products, with a second choice being Third World generics or relatively-fresh powder which has been carefully measured. Liquid products can lose potency rapidly and therefore are not preferred.

There are 2 ways to dosing T3.

In the first way, the goal is to achieve an ongoing edge in fat loss or to help maintain a near-personally-ideal body composition. In this approach, T3 dosing is very low, preferably 12.5 mcg/day but in some cases as much as 25 mcg/day. At the lower end of this range, typically thyroid testing will show no detectable suppression even with prolonged use. At the higher end, moderate suppression is sometimes seen, but results are superior to when T3 is not taken, and the suppression reverses rapidly upon discontinuing T3 use.

In the other way, the goal is to achieve a quite substantial increase in rate of fat loss, at the known cost of inducing thyroid suppression. Most preferably the dosage is about 50 mcg/day, but in some instances can be as high as 75 mcg/day. Such use is preferably not ongoing, but only for a limited period of time such as 8-12 weeks, though there's no exact requirement for timeframe.

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Testosterone Acetate
Trenbolone Acetate
Testosterone Cypionate
Trenbolone Enanthate
Testosterone Decanoate
Boldenone Acetate
Testosterone Enanthate
Boldenone undecylenate
CJC-1295 DAC
Testosterone Isocaproate
Boldenone Cypionate
Testosterone Phenylpropionate
Boldenone Propionate
Testosterone Propionate
Nandrolone Decanoate
Testosterone Undecanoate
Nandrolone phenylpropionate
Nandrolone undecylate
Testosterone Sustanon 250
Nandrolone cypionate 
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Nandrolone propionate
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Drostanolone Propionate
Methenolone Acetate
Drostanolone Enanthate
Fragment 176-191
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