Human Growth Hormone Peptide Thymosin Beta 4 TB500 2mg/vial for bodyBuilding

TB500 description

TB-500 is a synthetic part of protein thymosin beta-4, which is present in almost all human and animal cells. The main purpose of this peptide is to promote healing. It also promotes the creation of new blood and muscle cells. The healing of TB-500 was observed in the tendons, ligaments, muscles, skin, heart and eyes. Thymosin beta-4 naturally produces a higher concentration of damaged tissue. The peptide is also a very effective antiinflammatory agent.

TB-500 is an injectable peptide drug that can be used to promote healing, increase the range of motion during injury, or reduce pain by reducing inflammation. Because the use of human beings has been relatively uncommon, limited to people who like to test. The use of horse racing is more common, although it is not a prescription veterinary drug.

When to use TB-500

I recommend TB-500 in the case of acute injury, judging by rule of thumb, healing may be slow, or in the case of chronic injury, otherwise it will not heal.

Associated injury types include tendonitis and muscle tear or strain, but may include many types of muscle and connective tissue injury as well as skin damage. TB-500 can provide a significant improvement if muscle damage leads to impaired flexibility. About horse racing, allegedly prevents the formation of adhesions. No matter what the situation is even in humans even so, I can not say, but there are real signs that it helps to treat the existing adhesions.

Combining TB-500 with GH or GHRP may increase the effect

Although TB-500 can be administered alone, at least some people can achieve better results with TB-500 alone with TB.

Alternatively, the healing effect can be improved by combining TB-500 with GHRP (such as GHRP-2, GHRP-6, imarrine or hexarelin) or GHRP / Mod GRF stacks compared to TB-500 alone.

In both of these ways, from the results I now think the TB-500 / GH stack is more efficient.

How to use TB-500

The TB-500 was typically supplied in a 2.0 mg vial by lyophilisation (freeze-drying) powder. An appropriate amount of sterile or bacteriostatic water, for example 1.0 mL, will be added. In the most common dosing regimen, the entire vial is taken at one time. If you take the entire vial, the whole amount will be sucked into the syringe, usually an insulin syringe, and injected. According to personal preferences, injection can be subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous.

The most common dosing regimen is taking 2.0 or 2.5 mg TB-500 twice a week for four to six weeks and then lowering it to a lower rate of administration, for example, once or twice a month for maintenance.

With regard to TB-500 dose, the knowledge system is still limited. The above agreement may or may not be the most effective, but it is the protocol with the most records. It is entirely possible that, with the acquisition of knowledge, the use of the method will change. For example, it is reasonable to increase the frequency of administration to 3x / week (I have done the effect yourself) or increase the dose to 4 or 5 mg twice a week. However, before starting such a procedure, I recommend trying the standard protocol first.

If you are interested in the use of animals, the typical dosage regimen of the horse is 6 times 10 mg injections at intervals of 10-10 days. For more intensive treatment, use 20 mg per week. For racing dogs, the typical program is six times a week for 5 mg injections.

TB-500 pharmacology class

TB-500 is a short peptide or fragment of a naturally occurring thymosin beta-4 hormone (TB-4). For the sake of clarity, the TB-500 is not the most important TB-4, although it is usually sold under that name. TB-4 itself is still a very expensive, rare research material that can not be used for bodybuilding or horse lift.

In the body, TB-4 produces thymus, the largest gland in children, the atrophy of adulthood, and is almost non-existent in the elderly. It is also locally produced in various cells, especially in wound fluids, and is quite high in the cytoplasm of some cells. In various studies, it has been found that TB-4 can promote various forms of wound healing, promote stem cell differentiation and reduce inflammation.

Protein hormones such as TB-4 can not be fully bound to the receptor sites because they are too large to fit. In contrast, the active region of the protein is suitable for the receptor site.

The TB-500 peptide sequence is identical to the active region of TB-4 and has many and possibly all of the properties of TB-4 in a more economical form.

TB-500 other activities

As we all know, TB-500 at least part of the re-growth, has lost the male shape of baldness, so that at least part of the gray hair darkening, it is reported to increase the horse's muscle mass. The latter effect may be due to the promotion of differentiation of satellite cells. However, bodybuilders who use TB-500 treatment usually do not report this effect. However, this may be due to other reasons, but since TB-500 is generally only used when it is injured, this effect does not occur because the TB-500 is often not the time to get the best income from training

TB-500 Type of water used

Ordinary sterile water is the most suitable diluent for TB-500. Alternatively, it may be reconstituted with sterile saline (0.9% NaCl) or sterile bacteriostatic water (0.9% sodium chloride). In any local pharmacy, should immediately buy sterile sterile water. Or can also be purchased online.


Use an insulin-type syringe with 100 markers on the side. They can be in any local pharmacy.

How to mix (reorganize) TB-500:

1 ml of water was drawn into the syringe and injected into the vial with powder. Do not shake the vial when mixing. You should not force the water into the powder directly, but let it gently slide down into the inside of the vial. If you bubble up, you should put the vial in the fridge and put it in the fridge for about 15-30 minutes. Then the bubble will disappear. You should gently rotate the vial between the fingers until all the powder dissolves (takes about 3-4 minutes).

The vial is in a vacuum state, so before you can take tb-500, you need to release the vacuum. Take a fresh syringe and inhale the air and inject the air into the vial (not the liquid, but the air above the liquid).

This will get rid of the vacuum. Then, you can pull out the reorganized tb-500 as needed.

TB-500 Injection points and procedures

Tb-500 regardless of where the injection has a system effect. Some people think that thymosin beta-4 should be as close as possible to injury injections, but there is no evidence that this would be superior. Can be subcutaneous (stomach fat) or intramuscular injection (shoulder, thigh, buttocks). Every time you should give a shot at a different location (rotation). Depending on the situation, you can feel any sense or feel the slightest pain - you will keep abreast of your favorite sights.

TB-500 Type of water used

Ordinary sterile water is the most suitable diluent for TB-500. Alternatively, it may be reconstituted with sterile saline (0.9% NaCl) or sterile bacteriostatic water (0.9% sodium chloride). In any local pharmacy, should immediately buy sterile sterile water. Or can also be purchased online.

TB-500 Dose and Cycle Duration

The dose depends on the purpose and severity of the injury / injury you are treating. Personnel typically use 4 to 8 mg TB500 per week during the initial (loading) period of 4 to 6 weeks. After that, some people chose to maintain the effect at a low dose of 2 to 6 mg once every 2 weeks. TB-500 disappeared within 2-3 weeks after injection.

  • TB-500 loading phase

Duration: 4-6 weeks
Dose: 4-8 mg TB-500 per week
Number of injections: 2 mg per injection, 2-4 times per week (depending on the total weekly dose)

  • TB-500 maintenance phase
Duration: as long as needed
Dose: 2 - 6 mg TB-500/2 weeks
Number of injections: 2 mg per injection, 2-3 times every 2 weeks (depending on the total dose per two weeks)

Injection Steroid liquid
Test Series
Test Base 100mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Enathate 250mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Enathate 600mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Propionate 200mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Undecanoate 500mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Sustanon 200mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Sustanon 250mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Sustanon 300mg/ml @100ml
Testosterone Sustanon 400mg/ml @100ml
Turinabol 50mg/ml @ 200ml
Bold Series
Boldenone Undecylenate 300mg/ml @100ml
Boldenone Cypionate 200mg/ml @100ml
Nand Series
Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml @100ml
Nandrolone Decanoate 250mg/ml @100ml
Nandrolone cypionate 200mg/ml @100ml
Nandrolone phenylpropionate 200mg/ml @100ml
Tren Series
Tren base 100mg/ml @100ml
Tren Acetate 80mg/ml @100ml
Tren Acetate 100mg/ml @100ml
Tren Acetate 200mg/ml @100ml
Tren Enanthate 60mg/ml @100ml
Tren Enanthate 100mg/ml @100ml
Tren Enanthate 150mg/ml @100ml
Tren Enanthate 200mg/ml @100ml
Parabolone (Trenb Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate ) 50mg/ml @100ml
Parabolone (Trenb Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate ) 75mg/ml @100ml
Dros Series
Drostanolone Propionate 100mg/ml @100ml
Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg/ml @100ml
Methenolon Series
Primobolan (Methenolon Enanthate) 100mg/ml@ 100ml
Other injections
Stanozol(Winstrol) 100mg/ml @100ml
Oxymetholon (Anadrol) 50mg/ml @100ml
Oxandrolon(Anavar) 50mg/ml @100ml
Oral liquid
Stanozolo (Winstrol) 25mg/ml @100ml
Oxymetholon (Anadrol) 50mg/ml @100ml
Oxandrolon (Anavar) 20mg/ml @100ml
Clomid(Clomiphen citrate) 50mg/ml @100ml
Nolvadex(TamoxifCitrate) 20mg/ml @100ml
Arimidex (Anastrozol) 5mg/ml @500ml
Femara(Letrozol) 5mg/ml @500ml
Proviron(Mesterolon) 50mg/ml @100ml
Blend steroid solutions
Supertest 450 (Testosterone acetate 32mg
Testosterone decanoate 147mg
Testosterone propionate 73mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 73mg
Testosterone cypionate 125mg) @100ml
Anomass 400mg (Testosterone Enathate 150mg
Boldenone Undeclynate 150mg
Tren Enanthate 100mg) @100ml
Ripex225(Testosterone Propionate 75 mg
Tren Acetate 75 mg
Drostanolone Propionate 75 mg) @100ml
TriTren 180 (tren acetate 60mg
tren Enanthate 60mg
tren hexahydrobenzyl carbonate 60mg ) @100ml
Tri Test 300(Testosterone decanoate 100mg
Testosterone Isocaproate 50mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate 100mg
Testosterone propionate 50mg ) @100ml
Tri Deca 300(nandrolone decanoate 150mg
nandrolone phenylpropionate 75mg
nandrolone undecanoate 75mg ) @100ml
TMT Blend 375(Tren Enanthate 125mg/ml
Drostanolone Enanthate 125mg/ml
Testosterone Enanthate 125mg/ml) @100ml

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