Selective androgen receptor regulator SR9009 for Muscle Growth Increased Endurance

What is Stenabolic (SR9009)?

Also known as Stenabolic, SR9009 developed by the Scripps Institute under the leadership of Professor Thomas Burris.

As mentioned earlier, SR9009 is an orally-synthesized Rev-Erb ligand. This is a very unique compound. By stimulating Rev-Erb protein, SR9009 can greatly affect the body's large regulatory mechanism. For example, it can affect circadian rhythm, lipid and glucose metabolism, fat storage cells, and macrophages. Thus, Stenabolic will allow the user to lose fat and significantly increase endurance, both of which are very desirable for athletes.

How to run it

By combining and activating the Rev-Erb protein, Stenabolic can trigger a very wide range of processes within the body. The most prominent is the increase in mitochondrial count and increased metabolism in the muscle.

As the number of mitochondria in the muscle increases, the user will notice a sharp improvement in endurance and muscle strength. In fact, the mice used in the study can run more than 50% of the SR9009 in terms of distance and time. It is possible because these mitochondria are the mitochondria that produce energy in the body. In addition, due to the increase in the number of macrophages, defective mitochondria are removed from the muscle and replaced with new ones.

In addition, even if the user rests, the change in metabolic rate also increases the energy consumption by 5%; therefore, SR burns excess heat and does not allow them to be converted into fat. This increases with the increase in glucose metabolism, which helps to burn fat effectively, which makes the body's function if it is in constant motion.

This means that the less fat stored, the less fat the liver develops, the more fat and glucose in the muscle.

However, these are not the only positive health effects seen with stenabolic. In fact, in the study with this compound, it was found that it would reduce:

Plasma triglycerides decreased by 12%
Total Cholesterol 47%
Plasma non-esterified fatty acids 23%
Plasma glucose reduced by 19%
Increased plasma insulin levels by 35%
If this is not enough, we need to mention that SR9009 will also promote proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 by 72%, which is clearly beneficial to reduce inflammation.

Medical use

Logically, the SR9009 has so many positive effects that will have a very wide range of applications in medicine. For example, a sharp decline in triglycerides and plasma glucose will be a great help in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. More importantly, aging is a key factor in the treatment of muscle loss and muscle loss caused by muscle aging.

In addition, the SR9009 will allow physicians to treat obesity due to medical reasons that can not be trained or carried out by any movement because it can replace the movement. Finally, it is difficult to overestimate its effectiveness in the treatment of cholesterol-related disorders or metabolic syndrome.

Used for bodybuilding

There is no need to be the genius to achieve all the possibilities for the SR9009 to open to athletes - stunning endurance and strength, fat reduction, muscle hypertrophy (growth), improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and increased metabolism. Thus, one can expect results similar to Cardarine (GW-501516), but with more additional benefits. In addition, since the stenabolic works well solo or stack, it would be a very good addition to any steroids or SARMS loops and will be used with Cardarine will give very impressive results.

All in all, Stenabolic will allow you to do more heart training, raise more, lose weight, gain lean muscle mass, and increase cholesterol levels. When using SR with steroids similar to Anavar or Trenbolone, cholesterol and heart management are important.

Recommended dose

The optimal dosage range is 20 to 30 mg (mgs) per day. However, there is a drawback - because the half-life is very short, you will need to place it all in the best balance of the active substance in the body. Therefore, depending on the exact dose used, it is best to use once every 2-4 hours. For example, when the daily dose is 30 mg, 10 mg can be taken every 4 hours.


The SR9009 is often referred to as "movement in the bottle", so it is perfect for any cutting cycle. If you want to grind and thin, improve endurance means that even if your calorie intake is low, you can also train for longer. This together with the SR9009's natural fat loss characteristics means that it is easier to increase body fat percentage.

In the cutting cycle, hanging in the quality is tricky. However, the SR9009 naturally produces muscle (even without movement), so even if you do not consume as much heat as possible, pay more attention to cardiovascular exercise, you will not lose too much volume.


Although this drug is very suitable for cutting, but SR9009 can also be used for expansion.

Although the SR9009 encourages lean muscle accumulation, but also to enhance the body's endurance. Studies have shown that mice can run more than 50% faster and more endurance. Being able to exercise longer means that it is possible to train more strongly and more concentrated, which in turn helps to build better quality muscles and pure masses.

Half-life information

If you do not want the drug to appear in your system for a long time, the half-life is very short, the very short half-life of the SR9009 means that it must be administered several times a day.

When the SR9009 dose is within the range of 30 mg per day, 5 mg (6 times per day) is recommended every 2 hours. For 40 mg dose, the frequency can be reduced and 10 mg per 3-4 hours.

How to manage

SR9009 has oral bioavailability, which means it will not be injected, but is swallowed. This is a huge benefit since the number of times must be taken every day.

Product dose

Users report the amount of 20-100mg daily, without any negative impact. From the information we received, the results of SR9009 treatment appear to be dose-dependent, with a maximum dose of 100 mg per day. At this dose, the results tend to decrease gradually.

SR9009 (Stenabolic) should be administered at a dose of 20-30 mg (mg) per day and up or down by 10 mg according to the user's preference. With respect to the duration of the cycle, the typical cycle length is 6-8 weeks, it is advisable to use SR9009 with Cardarine (GW-501516) for double dose strength.

Product conclusion

When contemporary pharmacology combines incredible health benefits, metabolic nature can be considered a major breakthrough in modern pharmacology. However, it does not have any side effects. The Rev-Erb ligand will be very useful in medicine and has been successfully used to enhance performance.

Injection Steroid liquid
Test Series
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Bold Series
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Nand Series
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Tren Series
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Dros Series
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Methenolon Series
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Other injections
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Oral liquid
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Oxandrolon (Anavar) 20mg/ml @100ml
Clomid(Clomiphen citrate) 50mg/ml @100ml
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Blend steroid solutions
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Testosterone Enanthate 125mg/ml) @100ml
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Drostanolone Enanthate 250mg/ml) @100ml

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