Pharmaceutical Steroid Intermediate Prohormone powder 4-DHEA for Bodybuilding Muscle


Items TestedSpecificationResult
CharactersWhite or almost white crystalline powderConfirms
Assay (HPLC)99.0--101.0%99.8%
Loss on DryingNot more than 0.5%0.16%
Residue on ignitionNot more than 0.2%0.06%

4-DHEA description

4-DHEA is a naturally occurring unmethylated (non-17aa) steroid.

4-DHEA, such as DHEA, requires a two-step conversion process involving 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD to convert it to androstenedione / maleenediol, followed by testosterone. DHEA is slightly different from the 4-DHEA is the fourth and not the fifth of the double key. This allows 4-DHEA to reduce estrogen by not directly acting on estrogen receptors (such as DHEA has been found).

Although 4-DHEA can cause estrogenic fermentation, it may not be sufficient to cause high estrogen-related side effects.

The overall results will be similar to the original 4-AD disabled in 2004. Higher doses of this compound will produce considerable lean gain in muscle mass, with improved strength. The product may be partially inflated by estrogen conversion, which may be counteracted by administration of an aromatase inhibitor, but this will greatly disrupt the use of the compound for the purpose of initiation.

Since this compound is naturally occurring and unmethylated, the overall side effect will be quite mild. However, high doses may also cause oily skin, acne and elevated blood pressure. Because this steroid is non-17aa, the negative effects on low-density lipoprotein / low-density lipoprotein ratio should be less.

Because this compound can be converted to testosterone, it can also be converted to DHT and other 5α-reduced metabolites. This can be a good stack with progesterone or relative non-androgenic compounds, which may cause sexual or female problems due to lack of androgenic potency.

4-DHEA function

4-DHEA is a naturally occurring unmethylated (non-17aa) steroid. 4-DHEA, such as DHEA, requires a 2-step conversion process involving 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD to convert it to androstenedione / Diol, then testosterone

DHEA is slightly different from the 4-DHEA is the fourth and not the fifth of the double key. This allows 4-DHEA to reduce estrogen by not directly acting on estrogen receptors (such as DHEA has been found).

Although 4-DHEA can cause estrogenic fermentation, it may not be sufficient to cause high estrogen-related side effects.

The overall results will be similar to the original 4-AD disabled in 2004. Higher doses of this compound will produce considerable lean gain in muscle mass, with improved strength. The product may be partially inflated by estrogen conversion, which may be counteracted by administration of an aromatase inhibitor.

However, high doses may also cause oily skin, acne and elevated blood pressure. Because this steroid is non-17aa, the negative effects on low-density lipoprotein / low-density lipoprotein ratio should be less.

Because this compound can be converted to testosterone, it can also be converted to DHT and other 5α-reduced metabolites. This can be a good stack with progesterone or relative non-androgenic compounds, which may cause sexual or female problems due to lack of androgenic potency.

4-DHEA dosage

Beginner cycle length: 4 to 6 weeks
For beginners dose: 300 to 500 mg

Experienced user cycle length: 6 to 8 weeks
Experienced user usage: 300 to 750 mg

How does 4-androstone / 4-DHEA work?

Once absorbed into the user's blood and converted into testosterone, the compound will begin to have very high anabolic behavior. In the power and size of the gains, while improving sexual desire, to provide users with amazing happiness or "Alfa male happiness."

Do I need to loop support and PCT?

Cyclic support - yes, 4-Andro will have an impact on the patient's blood pressure, so it is wise to use cycling support in order to promote healthy blood pressure levels
PCT - Like any other synthetic metabolic hormone, yes, PCT is a key component of the cycle. It will basically help the user to keep the results while helping to restore the body's natural hormonal balance.

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