Pain Killer health Material powder Chloroprocaine HCL

Product basic

Product NameChloroprocaine HCl Powder
CAS Registry Number3858-89-7
Molecular FormulaC13H20Cl2N2O2
Molecular Weight307.22
GradePharmaceutical Grade
AppearanceWhite cystalline powder

What is chloroprocaine hydrochloride?

Chloroprocaine hydrochloride is a short-acting spinal anesthesia performed under the waist. Anesthesia of spinal nerves using spinal anesthesia, so that patients remain sober, but in the course of surgery will not be pain.

Chloroprocaine (trade name Nesacaine, Nesacaine-MPF) (usually in the form of hydrochloride in the above-mentioned trade name) is a local anesthetic administered by injection during surgery and during childbirth.

How does it work?

The anesthesiologist will block the brain through the nerve signal. After spinal anesthesia, the nerve signal can reach the brain, feeling the body down. Chloroprocaine is a local anesthetic, working fast and sustainable for up to 100 minutes. By injection into the spinal fluid.

What does SMC recommend?

SMC does not recommend clopidogrel hydrochloride as an adult spinal anesthesia, where planned surgery should not exceed 40 minutes.

Is there any evidence to support this?

The company asked SMC to consider the use of chloroprocaine in spinal anesthesia for surgery, such as daytime surgery.

• A small study shows that chloroprocaine injects a faster rate of decomposition of nerve block compared to another local anesthetic, thereby reducing discharge time.

• Economic analysis comparing chloroprocaine hydrochloride with another local anesthetic in patients requiring spinal anesthesia during daytime surgical units. Although the analysis shows that chloroprocaine hydrochloride is cost-effective, but some people worry about not suitable, there are some uncertainties, which means that the economy is not perfect.

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