SARMs Raw steroid Powder LGD-4033 for Muscle Wasting Treatment

Basic Details

Product nameLGD-4033
Product CategoriesSARMs(Selective androgen receptor modulator)
Storage temp.Refrigerator
AppearanceWhite Powders
UsageIt is a potent and tissue-selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM).

Product description

LGD-4033 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARMS) and a novel non-steroidal oral SARM with high affinity (Ki = 1 nM) and selective binding to AR. It is a class of organically selective androgen receptor (AR) ligands that have been developed for the treatment of muscle wasting associated with cancer, acute and chronic diseases, and age-related muscle loss. The LGD-4033 is expected to improve the therapeutic benefit of testosterone due to tissue selective mechanisms and oral route of administration, thereby improving safety, tolerance and patient acceptance.

The LGD-4033 is rapidly gaining popularity because it has demonstrated the most powerful and most synthetic metabolic SARM to date. SARMS is very different from steroids
Make-up, lack of side effects and recovery time. SARMS can be much longer than oral steroids.
They are unmethylated and do not oppress the liver. Although the results are not as intense as some
Steroids, they are cleaner, more conservative, with excellent properties
Expecting steroids may not be available.

LGD is still quite new (3-5 years), but the results are very similar in research and log. The LGD-4033 has conducted several recent studies and tests to find the best and safest way to use it. From these tests, the results showed lean body weight gain, body fat reduction. Strength, well-being, and healing are also significantly increased.

Should be given within 10 days of oral administration of LGD-4033 once a day. LGD should run 8-12 weeks, 12 weeks is ideal. The perfect combination of weight loss is LGD-4033 and Andara (S-4).

Product using and bulking

LGD is still quite new (3-5 years), but the results are very similar in research and log. The LGD-4033 has conducted several recent studies and tests to find the best and safest way to use it. From these tests, the results showed lean body weight gain, body fat reduction. Strength, well-being, and healing are also significantly increased.

LGD has shown the maximum capacity of any SARM that can be considered a lot of it. Of course it depends on the eating habits used. Experienced more than 10lb of users. Increased, calorie intake increased significantly. The possibility of this size exists with the use of LGD. The recommended dose for this target is 5-10 mg for 8 weeks.

Lgd-4033 Sarms Application

LGD can be used for expansion, reassembly and cutting. It has the ability to add size
Reduce body fat, similar to primobolan. It has another excellent feature that it can run for up to 12 weeks, while most orcs can only use 4-6 weeks of time. LGD steady development
In the entire 12 weeks to get the benefits, and to provide users with a comprehensive sense of health
Throughout the use of the process, you feel very good. It has no synthetic metabolic properties of metabolism

LGD-4033 is a group of tissue-selective androgen receptor (AR) ligands for the treatment of muscle wasting associated with acute and chronic diseases, age-related muscle loss and cancer.
It is expected that due to the mechanism of tissue selective action and its oral administration, better benefits of better safety, acceptability and patient acceptance of testosterone may be achieved.

It exhibits anabolic activity in the muscle, an anti-absorption and anabolic activity in the bones, and a strong selectivity to the muscles and bones of the prostate and sebaceous glands.

LGD can be used for expansion, reassembly and cutting. It has the ability to add size while also reducing body fat, similar to primobolan. It has another excellent feature that it can run for up to 12 weeks, while most orcs can only use 4-6 weeks of time. LGD throughout the 12 weeks can maintain a steady growth, to provide users with a sense of overall sense of use. It has no synthetic metabolic side effects of synthetic metabolic properties.

LGD-4033 will soon take effect, usually in the first week of the beginning of the show results. In addition, it has shown increased endurance, which will allow more output during training to gain more. All of these benefits make LGD an ideal choice for any user because it provides a good start and has an affinity to produce a quality gain that is shown to be very clean but still substantial.

Lgd-4033 effect

LGD-4033 will soon take effect, usually in the first week of the beginning of the show results.
In addition, it has shown increased endurance, which will allow more output during training to gain more. All of these benefits make LGD very suitable for any user because it provides one
Excellent start, and have the affinity to produce high quality gains that show very clean but still

Lgd-4033 Sarms dosage

Should be given within 10 days of oral administration of LGD-4033 once a day. LGD should run
8-12 weeks, 12 weeks is ideal. The perfect combination of fat reduction is LGD-4033 and Andarine

Lgd-4033 Sarms Note

LGD can cause mild inhibition, but is independent of the inhibition shown by the use of steroids, which can be alleviated by using the HGGenerate cycle. I found that LGD inhibition is best to be mild and easy to recover.

How does it work

A novel non-steroidal oral selective androgen receptor modulator, LGD-4033, binds to androgen receptors with high affinity and selectivity. It exhibits anabolic activity in the muscle, an anti-absorption and anabolic activity in the bones, and a strong selectivity to the muscles and bones of the prostate and sebaceous glands. LGD-4033 recently completed the first phase of multiple dose studies in healthy volunteers. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase I study identified a daily dose of 22 mg for the safety and tolerability.

Product benefit

  • Build lean muscle
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Loss of obesity belly fat
  • Stop the waste of muscle
  • lose weight
  • Improve eyesight
  • Increase hair growth
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce your cholesterol
  • relieve pressure
  • Wound healing faster
  • Help manage diabetes
  • Postpone aging
  • Improve sexual function
  • Anti-fatigue

Popular Steroid 
1Testosterone EnanthateCAS: 315-37-7 
2Testosterone AcetateCAS: 1045-69-8 
3Testosterone PropionateCAS: 57-85-2 
4Testosterone CypionateCAS: 58-20-8 
5Testosterone PhenylpropionateCAS: 1255-49-8 
6Testosterone IsocaproateCAS: 15262-86-9 
7Testosterone DecanoateCAS: 5721-91-5 
8Testosterone UndecanoateCAS: 5949-44-0 
9Sustanon 250  
101-Testosterone Cypionate  
11TurinabolCAS: 855-19-6 
12Oral TurinabolCAS: 2446-23-3 
13StanoloneCAS: 521-18-6 
14Nandrolone Decanoate (DECA)CAS: 360-70-3 
15Nandrolone CypionateCAS: 601-63-8 
16Nandrolone Phenypropionate (NPP)CAS: 62-90-8 
17Boldenone AcetateCAS :2363-59-9 
18Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)CAS: 13103-34-9 
19Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)CAS: 521-12-0 
20Drostanolone EnanthateCAS: 472-61-1 
21Methenolone Acetate (Primobolan)CAS: 434-05-9 
22Methenolone EnanthateCAS: 303-42-4 
23Trenbolone AcetateCAS: 10161-34-9 
24Trenbolone Enanthate  
25Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl CarbonateCAS: 23454-33-3 
26EpiandrosteroneCAS: 481-29-8 

Oral Steroid
27AnavarCAS: 53-39-4 
28AnadrolCAS: 434-07-1 
29WinstrolCAS: 10418-03-8 
30DianabolCAS: 72-63-9 
31SuperdrolCAS: 3381-88-2 

32Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex)CAS: 54965-24-1 
33Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)CAS: 50-41-9 
34Toremifene Citrate (Fareston)CAS: 89778-27-8 
35FemaraCAS: 112809-51-5 
36AromasinCAS: 107868-30-4 
37ProvironCAS: 1424-00-6 
38ArimidexCAS: 120511-73-1 
39 CAS: 566-48-3 
40Cabergoline (Caber)CAS: 81409-90-7 
41FinasterideCAS: 98319-26-7 
42DutasterideCAS: 164656-23-9 

43Ostarine (MK-2866)CAS: 841205-47-8 
44Cardarine (GW-501516)CAS: 317318-70-0 
45Andarine (S4)CAS: 401900-40-1 
46Ligandrol (LGD-4033)CAS: 1165910-22-4 
47Ibutamoren (MK-677)CAS: 159752-10-0 
48RAD140CAS: 118237-47-0 
49SR9009CAS: 1379686-30-2 
50YK11CAS: 431579-34-9 

Sex Enhancement
51AvanafilCAS: 330784-47-9 
52VardenafilCAS: 224785-91-5 
53DapoxetineCAS: 119356-77-3 
54TadalafilCAS: 171596-29-5 
56Vardenafil HydrochlorideCAS: 431579-34-9 
57Dapoxetine HydrochlorideCAS: 431579-34-9 
58Yohimbine HydrochlorideCAS: 65-19-0 

Pharmaceutical Intermediate
59T3CAS: 55-06-1 
60T4CAS: 51-48-9 
61Ethyl Oleate(EO)CAS: 111-62-6 
62Benzyl Alcohol (BA)CAS: 100-51-6 
63Benzyl Benzoate (BB)CAS: 120-51-4 
64Grape Seed Oil (GSO)CAS: 85594-37-2 
652,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP)  
661,3-Dimethylpentylamine (DMAA)CAS: 13803-74-2 
674-Acetamidophenol (Paracetamol)CAS:103-90-2 
68Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid (TUDCA)CAS: 14605-22-2 
69Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide (DXM)CAS: 6700-34-1

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